Monday 9 April 2012


Today I went for a walk to the beach, you know just to clear the head and all. So, here's the thing. i felt really out of place like REAALLLY out of place. There are your walkers, the people who walk their dogs or with people in thei family: siblings, spouses and like whatever. The other type are the compression clad super-freak runners who call themselves joggers but are sercertly batman. See, i want to one of those sexy runners but im injured so i guess their goes that plan. BUT i can't be a walker either as my parents work so they can't walk with me and nor will C because she doesn't enjoy it. WHAT EVEN!! so now im really out of place and people think im loitering around by myself as a loner, which i am. Potentially about to steal somthing, which I'm not.

In my adventures today, by myself, i noticed a few things that are not ok i mean like.......... just no.

1. Ok, i comend 'fat' people for exercising and i mean 'fat' people who are like size 24529874624, this is good, right?! but when they start to wear 2XU gear, this is when something that was good and acceptable becomes not. Before anyone starts going 'Oh L, you are so fattest', im not as i am on the plus side ok and fat people are lovely.

2. Secondly, it is never acceptable or will it ever be acceptable to play Ministry of Sound from your Toyota Corolla at maximum volune. Word of warning, this will not attract any girls or any sane person as a matter of fact.


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