Tuesday 10 April 2012

interesting.... i think not....

MAHHHH LYF IS SAHHH BORING! wish i was interesting lewlz.
like actually though someone save me from this insanity. i never ever never do anything interesting. Tv sucks and i have seen a lot of movies and i have no friends, tumblr and facebook have officially been exhausted. what to do. cept like sleep!!!!!!!!!

i want to ride my bicycle, i want to ride my bike. jks its like pitch black and i don't want to be eaten by a monster......
I just want someone to truly understand me, not even my family does. i mean what hope do i have. My dads like why aren't you close with people from school. um, cos they are all stupid and i generally like being a self-loathing anti-social freak. i honestly also hate the way i look, my face is so big and like i feel just so disgusting all the time. i can't wait to get out of high-school and go interstate or like overseas. Just some place where not a single soul knows me. Just forget the stupid people in my now. i have no idea where my life is going and i guess thats one of my problems. really what's the point of everything, what's my real purpose. 

mclovin' out to ya, L xo
ps i think i will get a tumor from all this technology exposure ha! let's hope not though

Monday 9 April 2012


Today I went for a walk to the beach, you know just to clear the head and all. So, here's the thing. i felt really out of place like REAALLLY out of place. There are your walkers, the people who walk their dogs or with people in thei family: siblings, spouses and like whatever. The other type are the compression clad super-freak runners who call themselves joggers but are sercertly batman. See, i want to one of those sexy runners but im injured so i guess their goes that plan. BUT i can't be a walker either as my parents work so they can't walk with me and nor will C because she doesn't enjoy it. WHAT EVEN!! so now im really out of place and people think im loitering around by myself as a loner, which i am. Potentially about to steal somthing, which I'm not.

In my adventures today, by myself, i noticed a few things that are not ok i mean like.......... just no.

1. Ok, i comend 'fat' people for exercising and i mean 'fat' people who are like size 24529874624, this is good, right?! but when they start to wear 2XU gear, this is when something that was good and acceptable becomes not. Before anyone starts going 'Oh L, you are so fattest', im not as i am on the plus side ok and fat people are lovely.

2. Secondly, it is never acceptable or will it ever be acceptable to play Ministry of Sound from your Toyota Corolla at maximum volune. Word of warning, this will not attract any girls or any sane person as a matter of fact.


Tetris Battle.

Hi I'm L and I'm C! The best sisters you could ever had.
We are starting this blog because frankly we have no friends, are fat and really do nothing with our lives. Let's be honest here, no one is going to read this. I mean who are we really?
Just to sum things up.
Things that interest L - Tetris
Things that interest C - Tetris

On this blog we are going to post a plethura of things. Mostly just hot and inspirational photos, maybe a few vain selfies. I guess some mildly interesting things that happen in our life. That's going to be a lacking department, and like food, coz dats da only fing dat makez uz heppy bruh.

We also enjoy any cat related feedback, that is much apppreciated.
Peace out, L-C xo